2012 (Hindi), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Woody Harrelson, Morgan Lily, Danny Glover Zlatco Buric, Beatrice Rosen, Jimi Mistri, Liam James
Ladies and Gentlemen - I am pleased to announce that it's the end of the world again. You are all going to die unless you and your photogenic family are the focus of a $200 million mega movie. Then you can narrowly zip between collapsing skyscrapers in a toy-plane, overtake rapidly developing faults in the earth's crust in a stretch-limo, and jump across chasms in an RV.
You can climb aboard a modern day Noah's ark and dodge tsunamis to emerge into a beautiful, post apocalyptic, sun-decked world. And you can smile at your future with beatific optimism a la Manoj Kumar overloo....