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Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali

Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali (hindi) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali
Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali, a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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Love him or hate him, you can't ignore him. Your kids worship him, and why should the makers not take advantage of that by giving us a second movie? It is a successful franchise, after all. Besides, it's vacation time - the perfect opportunity to release Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali.

When we last saw Bheem on the big screen, he had proved his mettle as a brave young warrior, and strengthened his bond with his gang of friends - Chutki, Raju, Kalia and others - as well as with Princess Indu and her father, King Indraverma. Bheem spends his days having fun with his pals, and....

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Chhota Bheem And The Throne of Bali hindi movie
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