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Drive Angry - 3D (Telugu)

Drive Angry - 3D (Telugu) (telugu) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Drive Angry - 3D (Telugu)
Drive Angry - 3D (Telugu), a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, William Fichtner, Katy Mixon, David Morse, Billy Burke, Christa Campbell, Charlotte Ross, Tom Atkins, Bryan Massey, James Hébert
  • Music
    Michael Wandmacher
  • Director
    Patrick Lussier
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Release Date
    4th March 2011
  • Website
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Endless hacking of limbs. People being nailed to walls. Tons of torn bloodied flesh. Weapons slicing people's heads. Open wounds being impaled. Cars exploding. Half naked girls reeling off dialogues as though in an international "make as many sentences with the F word as you can" contest. And the finishing stroke - the hero (Nicholas Cage) drinking beer from the broken skull of his freshly-butchered adversary.

For those who're particular, there's a plot embedded somewhere underneath all that.

Drive Angry has more bloodshed than action or acting. The movie is for t....

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Drive Angry - 3D (Telugu) telugu movie
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