Eragon, an English movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
Edward Speleers, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Guillory, Robert Carlyle, John Malkovich, Garrett Hedlund, Alun Armstrong, Christopher Egan, Gary Lewis, Djimon Hounsou, Rachel Weisz, Richard Rifkin, Steve Speirs, Joss Stone
The same thing has been said about the movie in a couple of other reviews, and not being a fan of Star Wars (though I have watched them all), I wouldn't know about this being its derivative. I liked to book so much I finished it in a day, and finished its sequel (Eldest) over the next couple of days. Feels its as good as (if not slightly inferior to) The Bartimaeus trilogy. Unfortunate that the review has made a mockery of both the book as well as the movie (the movie adaptation could have done better actually, with Carlyle and Speleers disappointing, and to be fair to Malkovich, he doesn;t really have much to do). All I say is, watch the movie and make up your own mind, or better yet, read the book, am sure either experience, if not both, will prove enjoyable.
Forget Bheja Fry, dudes. Eragon is the funniest film this week. What, it isn’t meant to be funny? Oh, well, it still is. You try watching a Star Wars clone set in a Lord Of The Rings universe with a straight face, then.
This is all our fault, anyway – the kind of success that the Lord of The Rings trilogy and the Harry Potter films enjoyed the world over meant that every studio wants a Rings/Potter franchise for their own. This has led to the pain inducing deluge of fantasy film adapted from every half decent book imaginable making it onto the screen as a CGI ....