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Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba

Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba (telugu) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba
Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    B V Reddy, Suman, Naga Babu, Rama Prabha, Narayana Rao, Brahmaji, Siva Krishna
  • Director
    G Ramakrishna
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Release Date
    19th November 2009
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Even God has his share of cynics to deal with, for which He deploys helping hands that sometimes go higher on the popularity scales than the employer Himself.

Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba, the movie, is an enactment of the life and times of one such guru - Sai Baba (1835-1918). Beginning with a narrative of his unidentified origins, it moves on to how he entered Shirdi at the age of 16, and holds forth on some well-known episodes of his life.

So while Baba (B V Reddy) thwarts the onset of plague, cures deadly illnesses, shares the pain of untouchables, and demonstrates ....

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Jagadguru Sri Shiridi Sai Baba telugu movie
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