Completely agree with AJ - this is probably the worst movie I've seen in a long time (mainly because I haven't seen Indian movies for a few years). There's absolutely nothing in the movie that's interesting, and the number of times I said WTH is some three-digit number. I thought 'Happy Days' was a mediocre movie that got hyped up by teenage hormones, but 'Happy Days' is Oscar-worthy compared to this movie.
We enter the movie hall to an air thrumming with the tangible excitement of people who have come prepared for a good time. It is only to be expected. Shekhar Kammula has mastered, and then some, the art of a certain brand of idyllia that has people coming back for more.
It isn't that those residing in his little bit of Utopia don't face any problems. Or even that they are perfect. In fact, they're all eminently human, with human flaws and joys and sorrows. What makes this world Utopian is the belief it manages to instill amongst its viewers that hell, high water, Scylla-Charybd....