i beg to differ. i think its a pathetic review. the sense of humor in FH reviews seems to be slipping. this whacky style was very funny when some people used to do it but now it has become tiresome. one review sounds like 100 others and they are beginning to sound just like the movies they make fun of.
buck up FH...inject some fresh style and fresh humour in your reviews.
It's hard to believe that even a seasoned director like Vamsi, who's always made offbeat classics like Ladies Tailor and April 1 Vidudala, can lose all his touch and make movies as totally lacking in innovation as Nayakudu. But Vamsi did not make this movie, so it will be unfair to randomly drag in him and bitch about him. This movie was in fact made by Kodi Ramakrishna. Kodi Ramakrishna is the same guy who made the previous movie by him. We told him then to stop, but maybe he didn't read our review. Nobody reads our reviews - sometimes even Google doesn't crawl them. That's why movies....