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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day (english) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day, an English movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Eric Dane, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Emma Roberts, Julia Roberts, George Lopez, Shirley MacLaine, Bryce Robinson
  • Music
    John Debney
  • Director
    Garry Marshall
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Release Date
    11th February 2010
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I hope you had a great Valentine's Day. I do hope you got to spend some quality time with your spouse, friend, loved ones, had a good lazy Sunday, and did all fun things - except watch Valentine's Day, the film. If you did, hey, that's just what the doctor ordered. Because if you decide to go watch this film, I can guarantee whatever day it is, it'll be ruined.

In a usual stupid factory-produced Hollywood rom-com, there is just one deadening plot thread to cope with. The imaginatively titled Valentine's Day has (I think) 13 such tiresome plot threads you can roll your eyes at. Which....

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