X-Men - First Class (Hindi), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Bill Milner, Laurence Belcher, Kevin Bacon, Jennifer Lawrence, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Morgan Lily, Nicholas Hoult
Pearl S Buck once said, "If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." And that is exactly what the makers of X-Men: First Class endeavour to do in this prequel to the X-Men series - a trip down memory lane that explains the lives, beliefs and relationships that made Professor X and Magneto the men they are.
Circa 1944. When young Erik Lehnsherr's (Bill Milner) mother is separated from him at a Nazi concentration camp in Poland, he expresses his anger and helplessness by bending the metal gate. Quick to recognise a gift, scientist Dr. Schmidt (Kevin Bacon) recr....