Maya (Raima Sen) is a lonely housewife and mother, whose passion for singing has been killed by marriage. But then, she and her husband Vikram (Arbaaz Khan) are the kinds who can kill Amitabh Bachchan's passion for acting. Moreoever, Vikram is cold, chauvinistic and rude, and is sleeping with another woman.
Now, an elderly couple lives right across the street from Maya's house. This couple wants to let out a room that's been lying empty upstairs, but they are not able to find the right occupant - they want the person to be sensitive, full of life, and artistic. Maya tries to find a .... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye, and then also see all user reviews for Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye!