My Brother Nikhil is a film about the flimsy hold that we have over our life, the fragility of everything that we boast to possess, be it our relationships or our achievements. Without being overly preachy or judgmental, the movie makes a good viewing for all.
Nikhil Kapoor is the state swimming champion of Goa. He has everything in his favor - good looks, fame, and a family that dotes on him. Navin Kapoor (Victor Banerjee) is the proud father who guides his son through the seas of competition. Mother Anita Rosario Kapoor (Lilette Dubey) and sister Anamika (Juhi Chawala) groove .... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about My Brother Nikhil, and then also see all user reviews for My Brother Nikhil!