as friends said, there is nothing new in this movie. its soo boring and predictable. and in this movie, brahmanandam character is too prolonged and boring. directors can't expect a hit by creating a boring comedy episode. pls dont encourage these type of movies. our movie industry need to develop, they just want money, they are showing up the talent. anyways, this movie sucks.
You don't plan a drive through the countryside just to get to a particular destination - chances are that you'd enjoy it for the sights and smells, for the company, and for the conversation. Namo Venkatesa is like sitting with people making banal conversation, traveling on a beaten path, in a gorgeous but sputtering car.
It really would have helped if the fuel didn't run out 2km before you were reaching your stop.
The problem is that Sreenu Vytla is known to have driven roller-coasters in the past, so when he drives a car for once, it feels a little more hollow than it sh....