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Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar

Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar (hindi) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar
Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar, a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    Salman Khan, Shilpa Shetty, Mohnish Behl, Shakti Kapoor, Supriya Karnik
    1 user says this is wrong.
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  • Release Date
    4th August 2006
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Frustrated Reviewer on 14th Jul 2013, 1:28am | Permalink
Disgusting movie. It's the only word I have for it: disgusting. Completely and utterly disgusting.

Salman's acting is expectedly disgusting. Shilpa's acting is okay, but her role is menial and pathetically disgusting.

The court scene was amazingly disgusting.
The scenes after that were ridiculously disgusting.

The hospital scene was disgusting disgusting.

Overall, this movie leaves no disgusting stone unturned. Full marks for disgustingness..

Ever heard of the story where two monkeys fight over a piece of bread and along comes a cat which starts to weigh it and eat the excesses to balance it? The inspiration for Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar must definitely have come from there. Tit for tat. Tat for tit. Titat for Tatit. Tatit for… You get the point. Thankfully, they didn’t keep any actual cats or monkeys in the movie. They got Salman Khan, Shilpa Shetty and Supriya Karnik to play the respective roles in this truncated soap opera.

The movie takes after Kramer Vs Kramer, but only upto a point. The similarity....

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Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar hindi movie
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