Deepa Garimella if you are expecting movies with masala, songs with glamour, punch dialogues by heroes, double meaning dialogues by comedians, tonnes of skin show Sorry this is not the movie for you and your audiences. Its a brilliant movie with critical acclaim - for political reasons, it lost to Peepli live for oscars.
Pain-soaked movies are a genre all by themselves. Shopping Mall is one of those creations - the award-nominees (the original Tamil version, called Angaadi Theru, was almost a submission to the Academy Awards) that consist of milking all the distress out of an already agonizing situation.
Basically, nothing good ever happens to the nice guys in stories like these. The nice guys suffer a lot, and their suffering increases exponentially, to points of no return. Characters go from merely painful situations, to utter wretchedness. The journeys are punctuated by bitterness, soreness, and ....