This movie totally revolves around Hyderabad and Lucknow. Parineethi works as a sales girl in Hyderabad, and dreams of an career in fashion designing in the US. Her father Anupam Kher wants his daughter to get married to highly educated person. But he can't afford the dowry they seeks. Due this reason Parineethi gets rejected at several times of alliance. Then after she falls in love with a guy, and they want to get married. They arrange their parents to meet and talk about marriage.
The guy's parents seeks dowry as help and demand a sum of Rs.1 crore.
At that very moment Parineethi decides to teach a lesson for every one who seeks dowry .
She and her father made up fake names and go to Lucknow and keeps an interviews for all grooms.
During the interview she films the grooms parents asking dowry and wants to blackmail them with section 498, and make a settlement for money by which she can go to US.
During the interview she picks Aditya Roy Kapoor, and makes him ready for the marriage(without witness). Aditya's family demands a sum of Rs. 50 lacs, but he doesn't like to take dowry for that reason he himself gives the money to her which his parents demanded and asks her to give that money as dowry.
Their she feels shame on what she is doing for his true nature. After their marriage she betray Aditya and leaves from Lucknow to Hyderabad and put a case on them for dowry and makes a settlement of money.
Aditya's family gives the settlement amount to her. She takes that money and come back again to Hyderabad.
Aditya comes to Hyderabad in search of her. Their Parineethi realizes his true love and wants to give his money back.
In the railway station, she finds Aditya searching for her. She wants to give back the money to him. After giving the money to him, she tells him why she did that and wants him to forgive her. Aditya realises that she did the right thing and forgives her.
At the end the they both get married with out dowry.
Pros: Parineeti
Cons: lack of screenpaly