Movies » Magnificent Desolation: Walking On The Moon 3D
Magnificent Desolation: Walking On The Moon 3D
A still from Magnificent Desolation: Walking On The Moon 3D
Magnificent Desolation: Walking On The Moon 3D, an English movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
Tom Hanks, Brandy Blackledge, Garrison Hershberger, Andrew Husmann, Aaron White, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, John Travolta, Mathew McConaughey, James Irwin, Matt Daemon, Pete Conrad, Charles Due, Morgan Freeman, Alan Bean
The name is beautiful in its aptness. The surface of the moon is desolate but so sublime in its solitude and lifelessness, that it ends up as magnificent, rather than fearsome or ugly. And some scenes in Magnificent Desolation are just that - magnificently desolate, in 3D. To watch acres and acres of a chunk of stardust floating a quarter million miles away from the earth, to walk in its tranquil, yet mysterious darkness, to grapple with its mirages and illusions, and to survive in it, is a trippy experience.
In the precious few frames of footage of the actual moon that Magnific....