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Nuvvila (telugu) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Nuvvila
Nuvvila, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    Avish, Ajay, Prasad Barvi, Yami Gowtam, Sarayu, Ramya, Kishore, Sudhakara Raju, Priyadarshini, Bhargavi, Atulith
    1 user says this is wrong.
  • Music
    Sekhar Chandra
    1 user says this is wrong.
  • Director
    Ravi Babu
    1 user says this is wrong.
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Release Date
    3rd November 2011
  • Closest Theatre
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Our filmmakers don't realize this, but most "youth" movies are anything but. Nuvvila, aimed at being a sweet and young film, doesn't succeed at even connecting to its audience, even though it had the potential. This is because it is too busy being either juvenile or weird to be meaningful.

Still, this is hopefully a good break for the fresh faces cast in the film, since it is a Ramoji Film City production. The newcomers seem to know the fact, and give it a good shot - a fact that makes you cheer for them despite the movie being quite far-fetched.

The story is abou....

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nuvilla film cast
Nuvvila telugu movie
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Avish, Ajay
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