Sex And The City, an English movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis, Chris Noth, Jennifer Hudson, Candice Bergen, David Eigenberg, Jason Lewis, Evan Handler
"Women come to New York for the two Ls - Love and Labels!" propounds Carrie Bradshaw after a rather nifty opening sequence to one of the most eagerly-awaited films of the year. While the statement might be true for the hardly working New York scribe with a passion for men and Manolo Blahniks, and her three deep-in-fashion, shallow-in-sense gal-pals, reality is a different script.
Sex And The City, the movie, is an extended version of the popular sitcom that was a rage with the chicks 4 years back. Yet the TV version was natural, melancholic, funny, and came in 30-minute tasty bites.....