Good watch no doubt, but feel that Singer has remained (a bit overly?) faithful to the older Superman movies made by Donner. Even though it is stupenduous to watch, the bad guys do not receive their deserved comeuppance in the way we've seen Spiderman do it - but of course this is a far better outing that the blasphemous Batman Begins, which made Frank Miller chastise it. Hope the sequel to this packs an Alan Moore punch, too much rehashing of the same formula is tedious.
Superman returns amidst such razzmatazz and hotchpotch, and with such trepidation, we enter the theater wondering what we're about to witness. Awakening from an slumber that lasted almost 2 decades, Superman fans all around the world bite their nails in anticipation of how their beloved superhero adapts to the new world. And like ebullient warriors, we trudge our way to our seats, awaiting the mammoth screen to transport us for the next 150-odd minutes to the land of the unknown.
So, a befitting bow to the director Bryan Singer (who also directed the first two X-Men movies), for....