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Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000)

Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000) (english) - cast, music, director, release date
A still from Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000)
Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000), an English movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    Morgan Fairchild, Ian Abercrombie, Brian Bremer, Christopher Wolf, Sara Suzanne Brown
  • Director
    David DeCoteau
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Release Date
    30th November -0001
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The best advice that I can give you for this movie is - don't go by the posters. I guess this is true for most of such movies, but this one takes the cake for movie-poster incompatibility. The movie itself takes the story-title incompatibility award. I saw no sign of either virgins or hunters. The actual name of the film is Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000.

Now, the story - the year is 2019. Society as we know it has undergone a sea change. Camilla Swayles, owner of Supercorp (the most powerful company in the world), has taken over the world. According to her diktats, sex ....

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Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000) english movie
Virgin Hunters (Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000) reviews
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Morgan Fairchild, Ian Abercrombie
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