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Welcome To The Jungle (Hindi)

Welcome To The Jungle (Hindi), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in Hyderabad.
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  • Cast
    The Rock, Seann William Scott, Christopher Walken, Rosario Dawson, Ernie Misko, Ernie Reyes Jr.
    1 user says this is wrong.
  • Director
    Peter Berg
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  • Language
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  • Release Date
    19th December 2003
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Welcome To The Jungle earns the rating it gets partly because you go there expecting nothing. The promos seem cheesy, and it stars The Rock, who was abysmal in The Scorpion King and The Mummy Returns. He was universally slammed a bad actor, and this is really saying something for an action hero.

But the movie floats. On a combination of wit and adrenaline, it floats. It doesn't amaze or inspire, but it's worth a few laughs.

Like the lead star, Welcome To The Jungle has an alias. It's titled The Rundown in America, and was called Helldorado by its makers for a brief while before i....

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