Occasional Criticon 24th May 2003, 5:21pm | Permalink
More junk from hollywood positioned exactly for the right audience. i.e The Indian movie patron. Keep em coming boys cause there ain't a place better than this.
Is it hot in here or is just me? Says who? Says the crewmember of one of the most phallic-looking crafts ever to zip across the face of the planet and, in this case, the crust of the Earth. Anyway, the fact must be established right at the beginning of this review… nobody goes to see a sci-fi action flick for a course in actual science… I want to see monuments crumbling, giant tidal waves sweeping across the land, a whole lotta shrieking, squelching and a couple of crumbling buildings would further my case and make me happy. The Core does that to Rome and San Francisco. Now that I got to s....