If you don't know the director's previous work, I highly recommend watching In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths.
BvS worked for me in a few avenues. The storyboarding and visual storytelling were great. The narrative was wonky and the lack of levity threw it off the ledge. Civil War has a horribly convoluted and nonsensical story too but its light tone worked in its favor.
Wonder Woman was solid. Nothing great. Like a 7/10 for me.
As I walked out of Blade Runner 2049 and performed my usual ritual of looking up at the big screen one last time before I exited the hall, I had to ask myself a couple of questions before framing the review. How influenced was I by the original and its near mythical status? Are the ideas I'm going to be expressing mine alone or were they implanted into me by the many voices in the cinema hall callously throwing their opinions around?
What started with those slowly morphed into me asking some deeper questions of myself. Are any of my ideas or my identity a product of my environme....
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