Movies » Intlo Sreemathi Veedhilo Kumari Theatres List
Intlo Sreemathi Veedhilo Kumari | Theatres List
Intlo Sreemathi Veedhilo Kumari, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Don’t ask us why the movie is called that. You go in expecting some juvenile version of a mid-life crisis or something equally perverted, but two-and-a-half hours later, you’re none the wiser. Guess you have to call a movie something, and that title happened to be lying around. In the thrash.
ISVK is a remake of Hindi film, Hungama, about a whole lot of stuff happening to a whole lot of people, some of it funny, the rest just trying really hard. Hungama was, however, remembered as a hilarious film, and its Telugu counterpart is, if nothing else, at least a faithful c....