Kittu Unnadu Jagratha, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
This reviewer walked out of Kittu Unnadu Jagratha (KUJ) under the assumption that there's a genetic connection between this film and Express Raja.
Abducting a dog is a major plot point in both films. The hero (Raj Tarun here) gets involved in dognapping because of some complications with the wealthy girlfriend (Anu Emmanuel). The villain (Arbaaz Khan) is a big powerful fellow with a close family member who soon becomes an Achilles' heel. The story branches into unusually convoluted and contrived sub-plots which tie together eventually. And even the humour scheme is identical th.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Kittu Unnadu Jagratha, and then also see all user reviews for Kittu Unnadu Jagratha!