Nightmare On Elm Street, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Nightmare On Elm Street is a remake of a 1984 hit by the same name, which was a teen horror flick that sparked off a long line of film series, books and comics. The latest release is aimed at rebooting the franchise, with an attempt at darkening the villainy and the scares.
However, goose-bumps are about all you get in here, and sporadically at that. This reviewer hasn't watched any of the Nightmare franchise movies, so that makes sure we don't get into comparisons with either the original or the other episodes.
Which means that as an entity in itself, without even the bu.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Nightmare On Elm Street, and then also see all user reviews for Nightmare On Elm Street!