Movies » Terminator: Dark Fate (Telugu) Theatres List
Terminator: Dark Fate (Telugu) | Theatres List
Terminator: Dark Fate (Telugu), a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Terminator: Dark Fate is the movie you have been waiting for since Terminator: Judgement Day, if you are a fan of the Cameron franchise. It might have something to do with the fact that Dark Fate carries over from T2, ignoring the less-than-stellar movies in between; or it might be due to James Cameron being back on board this time; but likely because this one is all Sarah Connor, baby!
Tim Miller, who made his directorial debut with the much-loved Deadpool, shows that he can reel you in with riveting action sequences once again, but tones down the humour while retaining its punch....