Urvasivo Rakshasivo, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
What passes off for a "modern" rom-com in Tollywood these days is a role reversal between the man and woman. Instead of the sweet, demure, virginal heroines of the '80s and '90s, today's girls are independent and free-spirited. Much to the bewilderment of men, they drink (gasp!) and have pre-marital sex (gasp, gasp!). But if you think that a character refresh equals a refreshing movie, you will be sorely disappointed by Urvashivo Rakshasivo, which is every bit as formulaic as the rom-coms of decades past.
Sri (Allu Sirish) and Sindhu (Anu Emmanuel) work in an IT company. And som....
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