Movies » Adbhuthaveerudu Apuroopasundari Theatres List
Adbhuthaveerudu Apuroopasundari | Theatres List
Adbhuthaveerudu Apuroopasundari, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
If you don't like fairy tales, you won't this one. And if you do like them, heavens
help you. Dungeons And Dragons (the original version of this dubbed film) will
take all your favorite fairy tale fantasies and twist them beyond recognition.
And as if that were not enough, it will sprinkle a bit of pseudo-realism into
the twisted, tangled fantasies, so that at the end of the movie, you won't be
able to decide what you've just seen.
The Empire of Izmer is run by the Mages (the magic people). They rule over the commoners (the non-magic people) and do a pretty bad....