Arthur Christmas (3D), an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Does Santa Claus exist? Does he live in the North Pole? And does he have elves? Yes, to all. And if you do not buy this hocus-pocus, you may want to check out Arthur Christmas, which not only reinforces all your childhood beliefs (and those of your children), but also silences non-believers.
The movie begins with questions that a young girl, Gwen (Ramona Marquez), representative of kids today, sceptically asks in her letter to Santa. While she stresses that she believes in his existence (why else would she write the letter?), she cannot wrap her little head around the fac.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Arthur Christmas (3D), and then also see all user reviews for Arthur Christmas (3D)!