Batti Gul Meter Chalu, a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Batti Gul Meter Chalu's trailer told us that this would be a movie centered around three friends: smart-aleck lawyer Sushil Kumar Pant (Shahid Kapoor), budding businessman Sundar Mohan Tripathi (Divyendu Sharma) and fashion designer Lalita Nautiyal (Shraddha Kapoor). It also informed us that Tripathi's business was put in jeopardy owing to some questionable practices employed by their town's electricity board. Unable to dig his way out of his circumstances Tripathi torpedoes his way into the bottom of the Ganges by committing suicide. Nautiyal lectures Pant, and the latter mends his ways and t.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Batti Gul Meter Chalu, and then also see all user reviews for Batti Gul Meter Chalu!