Friends With Benefits, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
What happens when a girl who has grown up on rom-coms discovers that life is not at all like the movies? What does she do when she is in the mother of all rom-com settings (New York), and true love eludes her time and again? She decides to put a hold on her emotions and "be like George Clooney" (read - single and loving it). This fresh take on the obstacles that hinder the path of love is what saves Friends With Benefits from being yet another done-to-death, painfully mushy Hollywood romantic comedy.
Jamie (Mila Kunis) is a head-hunter in New York, who recruits the talented Dyl.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Friends With Benefits, and then also see all user reviews for Friends With Benefits!