Machine Gun Preacher, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
How much does one really know about the Dark Continent, Africa? What we have are impressions from the news, and the movies, mostly - and they always leave a lump in your throat. Africa seems to be a cursed land, and the universal perspective on the region is that it needs help, from the more "evolved" citizens of the developed world. If you have done your bit for Africa, then you have more than made up for all your sins, or so it is believed.
So when an evolved American, Sam Childers (Gerard Butler), leaves behind his days of sex, drugs and rock and roll, and "finds" himself as .... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Machine Gun Preacher, and then also see all user reviews for Machine Gun Preacher!