Mechanic Resurrection, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Swaroop Thotadaon 30th Aug 2016, 11:35am | Permalink
I expected to see a "War Dogs" review here. I thought it was brilliant (at least in parts). Would have loved to know what the reviewers here thought of it.
In what has now become quite characteristic of this genre, Mechanic Resurrection is yet another movie reminiscent of a video game, with nice, mind-bending visuals and a wafer-thin plotline. It manages this and is quite the resurrection, because audiences clearly love this stuff, if the packed theatre full of college students bunking classes and cheering for the film was proof enough.
What binds this hodgepodge together is actually a love-story-cum-kidnap-drama. Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham), hard-boiled assassin par compare, goes weak-kneed on meeting Gina (Jessica Alba), and th.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Mechanic Resurrection, and then also see all user reviews for Mechanic Resurrection!