The Day After Tomorrow, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
TDAT has all the ingredients that every movie featuring a major-disaster has to have, like:
1. Major disaster 2. Only a few guys who actually see it coming 3. But no one will listen to them till it's too late 4. A moral to this effect: if we don't change our ways immediately, humanity could be wiped out. And this is a bad thing.
TDAT has all this and more. It has little stories about real people and their real lives caught in the eye of the storm, tales of courage and hope and brotherhood. But, we figure, it's okay to get a little soppy when the world is about to.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about The Day After Tomorrow, and then also see all user reviews for The Day After Tomorrow!