...i guess there is a CHARISHMA over here who's trying to talk about the puberty of people and MYSELF WHAT whos trying to be abusive....and there is AGONYS REQUIEM who talks about maturity of people without even having a look at them....i guess people are more concerned about puberty than the film...... anywayz being different...my rating says it all!
One infantile egomaniac spells trouble. Combine about fifty of them and you get - a B-I-K-E-R movie! Yes, with the caps key on and all! There's HummVs and Harleys, fast cars and faster bikes, big explosions and bigger egos: in short, absolute m-a-y-h-e-m. And it's called a "Matrix" hangover. Clearly, Warner Brothers and Village Roadshow Pictures are still reeling under the Matrix-morning-after, but we will get into that later.
Ford (Martin Henderson) is a smooth-talking, bike-riding (but of course), blue-eyed, cute-dimpled pretty boy who can kick some serious butt. Yeah! You can....