Deadpool 2, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
The Common Movie Goeron 21st May 2018, 12:35pm | Permalink
I saw this movie first day but golly, Kritika, you need a spoiler warning on(in?) this review. It's not like the movie is big on plot anyway but don't give away the Cable bit at the very least.
Great review apart from that. Especially loved how you pointed out that the writers seemed to treat metaphors like litaphors (totally made-up word).
So the whole thing starts with Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) doing his thing, i. e. making people worse than him dead in ways that make you feel your mortality in visceral ways, when one of his opponents gets away. As this is still the beginning, you get the feeling that this miss is going to come back to bite our protagonist in the arse. You ignore the feeling, because this is Deadpool and any metaphors you might imagine could very well be taken quite literally by writers who seem to all have driven away the angels on their shoulders so they can join their personal demons in a drinking game. ....