Nachav Alludu begins with this hot-shot Tenali Ramakrishna (Ali) generally dodging the marriage-brokering efforts of his uncle (M S Narayana), by mouthing platitudes about his distaste for marriage. His uncle's dreams are fulfilled when he falls for an RJ called Deepa (Suprena).
But this is no ordinary girl, for she belongs to a family of factionists, whose fossilized brains would not require more than 10 ml of formaldehyde to store. Little does Ramakrishna realize this. Even after the fact that she falls back in love with him.
On the day of the wedding, a tough-talking spitfire called Adikesavamma (Jhansi) arrives with the agenda of finishing off Deepa's husband. This is the result of a long-standing row between Adikesavamma and Deepa's dad (Jayaprakash Reddy). RK comes to know that this whole episode of him getting hitched to a factionist family was fixed by a friend (Krishna Bhagawan) who he once spurned and who now wants to take revenge. What is not clear is why he's taking revenge on the audience. Maybe because no one's conscious by now anyway.
In the second half, Ramakrishna is treated to a flashback of the Neanderthals and their reasons for the bickering. He then gets into a rut with Adikesavamma, who is now on his heels. After an entertaining one hour during which you get to research on Inducements And Repurcussions Of REM Sleep, the film ends.
Nachav Alludu has poor comedy, breaks into sleaze once in a while, and stretches for way too long. A Big B spoof gets on your nerves within 60 seconds of the opening of the scene - the moment they announce a ‘seelam' test for the groom.
Ali as a leading man is hard to digest, as we all know. We don't know why, but maybe scripts of this kind have a role to play in the digestion. The entire cast looks bored. Surely they had other ways to make a quick buck.
The film's a low-budget product that everyone probably forgot about a decade back. And speaking about the music of Nachav Alludu is like you talking to your toenail - no one's going to be interested except the nurses at the mental asylum.
If you want to lose a friend who's being a nuisance, take him to Nachav Alludu. It's a great pest-repellant.