Iron Man 2 (Hindi), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Before I delve into the review proper, know that the film is a good action film, with some great set-pieces, and some "f***-yeah!" moments. It also has some great fan service, and I urge you to stay beyond the end credits for a coda that sets things up very nicely. I had problems with the film, and the review may look a little more negative, but if you wanted an affirmation for your action blockbuster hopes, rest assured this one will do just fine. For the others, read on.
The first thing they set up is the Ivan Vanko version of Whiplash - and maybe it's Mickey Rourke, or maybe it's.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Iron Man 2 (Hindi), and then also see all user reviews for Iron Man 2 (Hindi)!