Movies like these are made with the purpose of satiating the voyeuristic tendencies of the audience. The storyline is nothing but a farce, tailor-made to support as many steamy scenes as possible. The actors are more bothered about slipping out of their clothes at the slightest cue, rather than try and do any sort of acting, good or bad. The tolerance levels of the audiences who come to these movies must be appreciated because the scenes that they come to watch are usually censored; and in spite of this they sit though the movie.
The storyline is ridiculous and overloaded with cliches, with characters out of a trash novel. The central character is Cindy (Athena Massey), a cop who specializes in going undercover. Her partner is a stupid-looking dodo who doesn't have much to do except pop in here and there and mouth a few stupid dialogues.
A high-profile whorehouse is shown where a call girl, Tracy, is murdered when she goes to meet a client. The case falls in the hands of Cindy, and she enters the whorehouse undercover to get leads on the case. Before she knows it, she begins to enjoy her dalliances. Somehow the murderer is traced in the end, and we never know why he committed the murder.
To cut a long story short, it is the kind of mystery, which the audience is better off trying not to solve. Moreover, the steamy scenes are censored as usual.