Jithender Reddy, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
The operative words and phrases in this review are in quotes, deliberately.
Virinchi Varma's Jithender Reddy "tries to make us believe" that it brings to life the political journey of Jithender Reddy (Rakesh Varre), a nationalist figure shaped by the turbulent socio-political climate of 1980s Andhra Pradesh. Set in Jagtial, then part of undivided Karimnagar, the film presents Reddy as a staunch "Rashtriya Swayamseva Sangh" (no typo there) supporter and an "ABVB" (no typo here either) leader driven by a passion to confront the Naxalite threat and the leftist movement, and defend ....