This movie is downright shocking and disgusting. What is the censor board doing,
permitting trash like this to be screened? Our country faces enough problems
due to ignorance and illiteracy, and the last thing we need is the mass medium
of cinema being used to spread totally misinformed and distorted facts.
This movie discusses AIDS and homosexuality in the most vulgar and pathetic
manner possible. The director in all probability must be illiterate and ignorant.
He actually has the gall to gives us guidelines to recognize a homosexual and
dares to discuss AIDS and breast cancer on the same level. He even claims that
the dreaded AIDS is a foreign propaganda.
The movie has also desecrated the
sacred doctor and patient relationship in showing a gynecologist examining a
patient. It does nothing but increase the fear of AIDS and homosexuality.
It is infuriating that utter nonsense like this slips through the censor board.
This movie will not run for long, but the majority of the people who view these
films are unfortunately ignorant. The damage that this movie has done, only
time will tell. All we can do is hope that sick and demented movies like this
never see the light of day.