Krrish 3 (Telugu), a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Krrish 3 does a brilliant job of turning an age-old cliché on its head - the protagonist, a shining example of all that is good, is dressed in pure black while the antagonist, a not-so-shiny example of evil, is dressed in white armour. But for this one instance, however, the movie religiously and zealously (sometimes over-zealously) follows every other cliché in the Rakesh Roshan book of filmmaking (a book with around 5 pages in all).
Krrish 3 is also a lesson in product placement - how to be nauseatingly obvious in placing products in your movie, that is. The film has a range.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Krrish 3 (Telugu), and then also see all user reviews for Krrish 3 (Telugu)!