Ramana, a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Basaveswara Rao Vemulapallion 27th Feb 2002, 2:56pm | Permalink
I have not seen the movie "Ramana".I already pointed out the previously(referring to the review of Takkari Donga) that the person who is writting these reviews has to improve his writting skills.He is not a capable person to express his views in good language.i think he is not having any idea about the nativity of Andhra pradesh.His aim is how to point out the silly mistakes of each and evry cinema.If he thinks evry thing in "reality",there is no meaning of going to a cinema theatre.Infact, a pictur itself is not having any reality.It's just fiction.it is just for entertaing the ordinery people like ours.It is better to offer his reviews to other websites or magazines whose readers are higly intelligent( i am not having any definition for the term intellegent)
Ramana is such a rare work of art that after witnessing it you'll forget & forgive all those hateful slip-ups our filmmakers make in the name of cinema. Instead, the only thing you will ever remember is to stay away from cinema altogether. The plotlessness of this bunk propels it right to the top (or is it the bottom?) of the 'Most Thick-Headed Nonsense' flicks that you'd have ever had the privilege of viewing.
Until your neighbour confirms the loathsome fact that the guy looking like Igor from Count Dracula is the hero, you trust this flick to have people in it, and for 90....