Bhoot Returns (3D), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
It has been almost a decade since Bhoot - a period that saw the once-genius Ram Gopal Varma go stubbornly through a self-destructive phase that cost him friends, well-wishers, fans and sanity - and the man is back with a sequel to the afore-mentioned movie that redefined the status of the horror genre. Only, it is not a sequel in the true sense of the word - Bhoot Returns has nothing in common with the original, except the director, and the characters of a disbelieving husband and an easily-scared wife.
A narrator tells you, as you settle into your seats and fix the 3D glasses .... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Bhoot Returns (3D), and then also see all user reviews for Bhoot Returns (3D)!