Deadpool & Wolverine, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
At first I thought I'd write this review in the fourth-wall-breaking, foul-mouthed style of Deadpool - a cheap trick to tickle you, dear reader. But then, I thought, "F**k it, it's not like I'm getting paid the Ryan Reynolds' equivalent of a critic's salary." And no, contrary to what you may think, my ticket isn't paid for, either. Besides, I think an R-rated review would just about explode this website. So I guess I'll stick to the basics of a review: eye-catching intro → roundup of plot → an assessment of performances → a brief thingie on technicals → clever conclusion. A.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Deadpool & Wolverine, and then also see all user reviews for Deadpool & Wolverine!