Ghost Rider (Telugu), a Telugu movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Okay, Ghost Rider is not spectacular. In fact, there are points when it is downright embarrassing. But, c'mon people, if you are watching a movie about a man with a flaming skull for a head and a super bike from hell, you can't really complain about the film being unrealistic and cheesy, can you? Then again, maybe you can.
For the uninitiated, Ghost Rider is based on a comic book character that has largely been 2nd, or even 3rd grade in Marvel's list of heroes, but as with most underdogs and satanic motorcyclists, Ghost Rider has its own share of loyal fans who have tried to kee.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Ghost Rider (Telugu), and then also see all user reviews for Ghost Rider (Telugu)!