I called this film a regular Vikram fare because of two reasons
Pros: Fights, superhero, Vikram's performance, locations, visuals, cinematography, gripping story and nice concept. Cons: Heroine's excessive vulgarity, a bit too much of songs, needless comedy, a bit lengthy in second half
Mallanna banks on the supposition that all problems on earth are because the poor are poor and the rich are rich. But then, considering that money is the root of the tree called evil, is probably the easiest way to fell the tree. Both when you're making a movie, and when you're making the universe. Unfortunately, the Big Director sitting up there is in no hurry to end the show.
Actually, neither is Susi Ganeshan, Mallanna's director. Mallanna makes sure no one forgets it's a big budget movie, and tries to milk every minute of the three hours that it sweats on for.