Take a promiscuous young lady, her three paramours, and some other factors. Voila! You have a nice little porn movie on your hands. The director has realized the rudiments for such movies. And he has utilized this knowledge very well indeed.
The movie revolves around four characters for the first three fourths of the movie. Then there is another character introduced, and within another ten minutes, the movie culminates. The entire movie is shot in the same house, with occasional shots showing the building from the outside. Bare minimum.
Linda is a writer. But with her busy love life it is a wonder she ever manages to write anything. She has three lovers. One of them is teacher, another is a businessman, and the third is a gym instructor. All three do not know that any of the others is seeing Linda. But at the same time all three are very good friends. Isn't that an incredibly stupid story!
The story meanders, exploiting all the potential of the story, and finally the three friends come to know that Linda is cheating on all of them. When they do go to confront her, surprise there is a fourth guy with her in bed. The end of the movie is boringly predictable.
The censors have run rampant through the movie and more than half the movie is missing. If the story had been even the slightest bit complicated, making any sort of sense of the movie would have been impossible. It looks like a contest between the director and the censors. The director seeing how much he can put in; and the censors seeing how much they can take out!