Soft porn movies in the city are rather confusing when it comes to titles,
publicity and posters. This one is not very different. For one, the movie is
shot in LA, so there are plenty of skyscrapers around, but that does not justify
naming the movie Skyscraper! Then the publicity of the movie includes
some really irrelevant phrases, foremost among them being "pussycat".
For your life, you can't see or hear a cat in the entire movie!
The story is the same old hackneyed one. Which one, you ask? Oh, someone is
actually interested. There's one businessman, one bored wife, one secretary
who seems to have landed at his office right from the whorehouse... and the mandatory
"mysterious" man who watches all of these characters.
There are conversations and confrontations leading to steamy scenes... that are
inevitably snipped off. The only impressive thing about the movie is the tycoon's
penthouse building, which is rather tastefully furnished. Not that anyone would
notice that in the midst of inaudible dialogues, shoddy editing and wooden performances.
The ending is so predictable that... yaaaawn!